Feng Shui Fu Dogs (Fu Lions)

Feng Shui Fu Dogs (Fu Lions) 

A pair of traditional Feng Shui Fu dogs, in a cream / white and sand coloured resin.

Fu Dogs (Foo Dogs or Fu Lions) are traditional Feng Shui Chinese guardian lions, also known as Imperial Guardian Lions or Chinese Lions. Theye are placed at the entrances of sacred places, temples and special buildings as a sign of protection. Fu Dogs should be in pairs.

In Feng Shui, dogs are considered symbols of loyalty, protection and good fortune. Placing these in your home, enhances positive energy. They also present male (Yang) and female (Ying)energy. The best location is facing outward, away from the building.

These are sold as a pair.

There may be colour variations to the photos.

Dimensions : 65mm x 110mm x 40mm



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