Agate Pendant

Blue Agate Pendant

Coloured treated Agate terminated point pendant with alloy clasp (bail)

Agate comes in a variety of colors and patterns. It’s a popular gemstone that has been used for centuries in jewelry and ornamental objects. Agate is characterized by its banded or striped appearance, and each band may have different colors and translucency. Agates are often colour-enchanced to make it more attractive.

Metaphysical: Agate harmonize the yin and yang energies, promoting stability and balance in life. It helps to bring equilibrium to conflicting energies, making it a popular choice for those seeking emotional, physical, or intellectual balance. It is also associated with grounding energy, making it a useful stone for those who feel scattered or ungrounded, providing stability and a sense of security, helping individuals stay connected to the present moment.

The soothing and calming energy of agate is thought to help alleviate stress and promote a sense of tranquility. It is often used as a tool for meditation and mindfulness practices.

Dimensions: 40mm x 12mm x 12mm (including clasp)



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